It was probably the brightest, sunniest, but maybe coolest, time that Santa has visited the windmill on Sunday.
A small crowd of admirers were waiting when he arrived on the Belper Rotary club motorised sledge.
They queued patiently to meet him inside the mill, which had been converted into a sparkling grotto.
Just over 100 children of all ages saw him and told him their needs – the youngest was only 2 weeks old- a record for the mill!
Whilst waiting their turn, the guardians and children had a variety of activities to enjoy, including ‘hug a husky’ , a huge bric a brac stall and lots of good things to eat and drink.
Angela Ward (Chair of Friends of the windmill) said: ‘It’s been a great day and everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves’ . She went on to particularly thank the many mill volunteers who had turned out to operate the various events and to look after Santa.